Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Harvest

 Steve and I did our annual produce lesson for Charlie's kindergarten class this week.  Thanksgiving seems to be the perfect time to teach the kids about where different types of produce grows and how it is harvested and gets from the farm to the grocery store. 
 To show the step-by-step procedure on how the produce gets from the farm to the grocery store... it makes sense to start with a farmer as one of our actors... a "STINKIN' FARMER" to be exact!!

 Here is the "call sheet" of famous actors...

Charlie - Farmer
Evan - Trucker
Chas - Produce Broker (aka "Steve")
Avery - Trucker
Hannah - Grocer
Ava S - Grocery Checker
Ava F - Consumer (not pictured)

 Afterward, the kids get to shop to help their parents with Thanksgiving Day shoppingQ

 A shot of teacher, Mrs. Grace with the kiddos and their bags of produce.

 Can anyone notice the sneaky likeness to a Twilight movie in this picture???

 Teaching 50 kids with loud paper bags and lots of fun "objects" to play with is no joke...  good thing I'm a "Professional"... haha
 Last reminder... "Don't forget to wash the produce before you eat it boys and girls!"

This might be the last time for us to do this lesson... we are going to have to come up with another "show" for future classes...LOL.


Anonymous said...

The stinkin' farmer looks oh so proud to have her Mom and Dad in class with her ... good job Grace's !!!
Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

Lori & Steve you are great parents and we think you are very special indeed to be able to put on a show like you have! Wow! And, Charlie, I can't believe that you are one of the tallest kids in class. GOOD JOB CHARLIE GRACE!
xoxo Nona