Sunday, April 25, 2010

3rd time's a charm!

Apparently, kindergarten classes study farming! They visit a farm at the OC Fairgrounds for a field trip and spend weeks learning about all the different kinds of farms and the work that happens on farms. Well, as you can imagine, farming is right up our alley! Produce farming that is! Ryan's teacher heard about the produce lesson that we did for the preschoolers earlier in the year (and at last year's preschool too!) and asked if we would mind doing the same kind of lesson for Ryan's class! You know that I was so, so excited! Steve was excited too... he got to load up his car with 12 boxes of different kinds of produce, a dolley to "schelpp" it all out to the classroom, and help out with 50 kindergarteners... to him, it was better than a day on the golf course with his buddies! (Haha, read sarcasm here). You know what though, even after all that hard work, he was the proudest papa ever! He loved that Ryan's eyes lit up having her mommy and daddy there in class and to be able to show off her daddy to all her friends! It was a priceless moment to see her face.
The day before, Ryan and her friends saw us bringing in all the teaching supplies. She could hardly contain herself.

2 classes of kindergartners = 50 kids!
Whoa, how fun is that? The first part of the lesson was about categorizing. We talked about different kinds of produce and where it grows... in the soil, on a tree, or on a vine/bush. We used a tree map to organize our learning!
So fun... the kids were so attentive!

You can see here (a little of it anyway) that we set up the produce around the room as "real life" manipulatives. After the lesson, the kids were allowed to take a paper bag and fill up on groceries to touch, smell, and take home to their families. So many parents told me the next day how excited their kids were to put away their "groceries."
P.S. Hey, are those Cuties I see in the picture?

The second part of the lesson focused on sequencing. As a reader, it is important to understand the sequence of events. So hopefully, this was a good start. I taught the students the sequence of how the fruits and vegetables get from the farm to the consumer!

And then we acted in all out (complete with costumes). In this picture you can see the 2 truckers, the grocery store produce manager, the consumer, and the produce broker (all out of order of course). The kids' job was to put everyone in the right order. Missing from this picture is the farmer and the grocery clerk. Notice that the produce broker (aka Steve's job) is holding a phone and wearing a Faconnable tie! I made this boy answer the phone and say, "Hey Joey, I wanna buy some fruit!" Let's be honest, you all know I couldn't REALLY have a 6 year old say the words that Steve REALLY says on the phone, right?

As any good mom would do, I asked Ryan which role she wanted to play ahead of time... heeheehee! She chose the consumer! What an outfit!

Afterward, we summarized all the important learnings for the day! The last thing was to let the kids go shopping! Sadly, we didn't get any pictures of this chaos! We must have been busy herding all the kids through their very own Farmer's Market!

A family picture to remember the occasion forever!
Hopefully, we'll get to do this lesson one for time when Charlie is in kindergarten! 4th time will really be a charm, right?
Thanks for having us in your classroom!

New Room = Less Tired Toesies!

The girls' school has been under "modernization" since the beginning of the school year so Charlie has not been in her normal classroom since September! Charlie's temporary pre-school classroom was at the furthest end of the school! Her little legs would be so tired every morning as mommy would rush across campus to drop them both off and try to make it to work on time! Finally, finally, finally... Charlie's new classroom is finished and it is only steps away from where we park the car! She is so cheerful to be dropped now... no moaning or groaning or tired little feet!

Welcome back to your "new" room Charlie!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

This year we spent Easter weekend at my parent's house in the desert! It was a very relaxing all around. Steve and my dad played two rounds of golf and my mom, the girls and I spent both days at the pool. Friday was also my dad's birthday (68 years kickin') so we got to celebrate that too! We arrived before 11 am on Friday so we had the whole day to play! After everyone got home and showered, we had our "Easter/birthday" dinner at the clubhouse. My mom and dad loved introducing the girls to their buddies.

While we waited for Steve to finish up getting ready, we snapped some pictures...
Charlie insisted on getting her "stuffty" in some of the pictures.
The Grace Girls pose
Nonna and Grandpa with the girls...
After dinner, Charlie crawled right into the master bedroom bed because well... this is just what she is used to! LOL... so spoiled that girl!
But daddy was having none of that for sure! He was too tired to give up his spot! "Here come the sleeping bags girls!" (Steve and Grandpa had to blow them up the old fashioned way because we forgot the pump!)

After we got the bed situation all taken care of so Steve could get some much needed sleep, the rest of us celebrated Grandpa's birthday with some presents...

Both days we spent some quality time at the pool! There were tons of kids that the girls could become friends with while we were there!
And both days, a good long nap followed the fun at the pool! Awww... a little rest for the grown ups.

Sunday morning rolled around too soon... We wondered if the Easter Bunny would find us in the desert. The girls were confident that he would until Daddy talked them out of their confidence... meany daddy!
But sure enough... the Easter Bunny found them!
They got bunny ears and an Easter basket to collect eggs in!
The got BIG baskets with lots of spring necessities (that smart bunny). Charlie commented that the Easter Bunny left too many clothes and not enough "fun stuff" (that darn Easter Bunny).

Finally, the girls noticed that there were some eggs outside to find!!!
Nothing like an Easter Egg Hunt in your jammies!
The tradition of the "Golden Egg" followed us from Aunt Ginny's house to the desert! The girls were thrilled when they found their golden eggs.

Grown ups LOVE to be photographed first thing in the morning with their jammies on, right?

At least there was coffee all ready to go with this early morning! Easter Bunny Grandpa had to put the eggs out before the sun came out because the girls were already up! Oops, sorry Grandpa!

Finding chocolate bunnies were a hit too!

Seriously, how fun is it to run on a golf course at 6:00 a.m.? How cute are these two?

Thanks for hosting us Nonna and Grandpa! We had a great time!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Ole! Mommy gets a pinata!

March brings a lot of birthdays for our friends and family... including a birthday for Mommy! The tradition in our house is that daddy takes the girls shopping for my present and they get to pick out whatever they want. Now, we do this for each of our birthdays so each time we try to teach the girls that it is always best to get the birthday boy/girl something that he/she will like NOT something they would want! As you can see... all that teaching is paying off! The girls got me a pinata! Exactly what I wanted!

How can you not love these girls?

Charlie got the first whack!

She had so much fun!

And then came the swinger! As Ryan put it, "she killed it!"
And didn't stop once it hit the ground! Watch out for this girl in a dark alley!

The candy was the best part!

And then we went to my fave restaurant, Mahe, for some sushi!
LOL...I think we have these exact same dinner pictures from last year!
I have the best family in the whole world! I love you guys! Thanks for a super-duper, wonderful, fantastic, couldn't-ask-for-a-better-birthday birthday!

Claudia turns 29!

One of our very best friends, Claudia, turned the big 2-9 one more time this year! Her husband, sister, and good friends Paula and Amy threw her a surpise party! We had a great time! BBQ was awesome. Conversation was fantastic. Lots of laughing. And I think I found a new drink to love :-)
What could be better than all that?
I only snapped just a few pictures of the night but I thought I'd share...

Thanks for sharing your big day with us!