Monday, September 24, 2012

Steve Turns the Big 4-0

So, it's true... Steve does NOT like his birthday.  He made me insist on not planning anything to celebrate.  Well, I almost listened to him, almost!  We attended a dinner party with seven of our closest friends from school and we were able to pull off a little birthday surprise for the birthday boy~
Right before the mini surprise...
Love my birthday boy!
The embarrassed Steve as the cake was brought out!
I have NEVER seen such a red face on Steve before.  And... I don't think it was just the glow of the candles!!
Still surprised and embarrassed!  Oops.
More red face.  Double oops.
"Happy Birthday dear Ste-ve... Happy Birthday to you."

A speech and a tequila shot!
Some things never change...
(I was referring to giving speeches if you were wondering... LOL)

40 candles are a lot of candles!!
Love you birthday boy!

Thank you to a group of great friends for helping me surprise Steve!

HAPPY 4-0 Steve-O!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Day of School 2012

I can't believe that we have a 3rd grader and a 1st grader already!  The years already seem to be flying by!
Here they are... all dressed and ready for the first day!

New backpacks for a new year!
 Charlie was the first one at her new classroom to hang her backpack!
She was soooo proud to be a first grader and not "a little tiny baby kindergartener."

Dropping off Ryan at 3rd grade.  She is in a combo class so now gets to be with her friend Ellie.  Ellie is a new second grader in her class.

With Ella, one of her besties!
 Cool third graders!  Getting closer to ruling the school!

Sorry for the delay in posts!  These first few weeks of school have gotten us all out of whack!