Friday, June 26, 2009

When the Kids are Away, the Grown Ups will Play!

Every June is our annual Palm Springs trip with 7 other couples. Yes, 16 in all (after adding two more "significant others" this year to the mix). We rent a house that can hold us all comfortably and enjoy some adult fun without the kiddos! This year, our number was only 14 because Joe and Claudia needed to stay home with Baby Jack (ahhh, priorities I guess). Anyway, here are some pictures of the weekend...

Bryan, Dana, Erin, Colleen, Tracy, and Julie

Colleen, Lori, and Julie

Dana and Bryan Sullivan

Lori and Steve

Ryan and Michelle

Tracy and Scott

Erin and Dana

Lori, Michelle, and Tracy

Julie and Lori

Jeff and Julie

Tracy and Julie
(The newbies to the group!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

2009 Buckeroo Boot Camp

Every year, on the weekend of our annual couple's Palm Springs trip, the girls stay with my parents. It is so nice to be able to drop the kids and drive on down the 111 for our "weekend away." Well, it is also a tradition that Nona hosts several Buckeroo Club meetings throughout the year with the grandkids. I'm not quite sure what happens at the Buckeroo Club meetings because it's supposed to be a secret from the mommies and daddies but I know it involves fort building, tea parties, and "secret stuff" (Charlie's word).

When we drove up to the house this year, we noticed some strange signs all over the yard! At first, I thought the realtor was trying to market the house in a strange new way until... I got a closer look!

It was like Christmas morning as soon as the girls realized their pictures were all over the signs! They ran up to each one and giggled. The ones with words, they'd say, "Mommy, mommy read it, read it!!" I still don't know exactly what happened at the Buckeroo Boot Camp this weekend because it's top secret stuff but hopefully Nona will send us some pictures to post and we can try to figure it out!

Thanks Nona and Grandpa for watching our little Buckeroos! You really pooped them out and we NEEDED that!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Last Day of McGaugh

McGaugh (T/Th preschool) had their last day of the 18th of June. The parents were invited to the graduation ceremony and a picnic. Each child walked the down the "aisle" for graduation in their homemade "Graduation Visor" and instrument.

I couldn't help myself by putting them in their matching silk dresses. They looked so cute... the only siblings in the classroom were matching! Adorable. I even let them wear sandals (which is not allowed)... I'm such a rebel mom :-)

Charlie received her certificate and is welcomed back to another year of McGaugh preschool!

Ryan received her certificate with a congratulations of finishing preschool and well wishes for beginning kindergarten in the fall.

The whole class sang 5 of their favorite songs to the crowd. Look who is sitting front and center. Coincidence? I think not! Charlie entertained the crowd with her fabulous dance moves! What a ham! Ryan, the most perfect rule follower, was in the back row with the rest of the kids that will be attending kinder in the fall. Ryan is one of the tallest in her class.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Last Day of Teddy Bear School Forever

So sad... the girls had their last day at Teddy Bear School! Next year Ryan will be moving on to Kindergarten and Charlie will attend the pre-school at the elementary school full time instead of splitting time between 2 pre-schools. This gazebo on the church grounds is where the girls liked to hang out every day before and after school. A fitting place to take some pics of their final day!

Happy Summer Munchkins!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Someone's Got the Need for Speed

So, we have been visiting the park a lot lately to have a family walk and so Ryan can practice riding her bike without having a street to maneuver around. Well, Charlie never wanted to ride her tricycle because "it's not fast enough so it isn't fun." As a matter of fact, she chooses to ride in the stroller over the tricycle. Someone is really growing up. Anyway, I know it's not her birthday or Christmas but it just seemed appropriate to get her an actual real bike so that she could enjoy it all summer long.

One morning we packed up the stroller and Ryan's bike and put the kids in the car to drive to the park where we like to go. We tricked them and surprised them by going to the toy store instead. When Charlie realized that we were in the bike aisle and we weren't really "getting a present for another little kid" she lit up with the best smile ever. She picked this purple bike to be her very own.

We headed straight to the park afterward to try it out. She had to get used to it a little. Not a whole lot of exercising happened for mom and dad that day but we loved helping her learn.

And now... Well that munchkin we know and love, loves to race! She makes those little legs move pretty fast! Next, we'll have to work on the training wheels!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Baby Jack Oliver Traver

So baby #2 was born in the Traver household over Memorial Day weekend... Jack Oliver Traver! He is so precious. Such a good baby. And Celeste was a great hostess to the girls! Claudia looked great and is recovering well! We went to visit a while back but I hadn't uploaded my photos until now. So sorry everyone, I'm sure you were dyin' to see this little guy!

Congratulations to the Travers! We love you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend sort of had a way of sneaking up on us this year. All of a sudden we had this glorious three day weekend quickly approaching with really no plans written in the calendar (oh boy does Steve LOVE the calendar!). Luckily, the Smiths were able to join us for a swim day and we couldn't have been happier. We bbq'd and had a lazy day by the pool!

Can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Happy Birthday Uncle Jeff

We hope you had a great day Jeff! We love you.
Happy Birthday!!


I know, I know... this post has nothing to do with Growing Up Grace at all but I am loving this new Twilight Blog! For all my Twilight friends and family, check it out...

I have added it to the Links I Love in the right hand column for easy access to my hunky Edward! Enjoy!

Family Movie Night

As the girls are getting older, it has been getting more and more fun to have family outings and activities. Both the girls are at an age where they can not only participate in the fun but have interesting things to contribute to the conversations. It feels like every moment is a "teachable moment" and it is so exciting to see their little minds learning and taking in fun new adventures. On this particular night, we had a family movie night. We ordered Bedtime Stories and sat together as a family to watch it with our popcorn and M&M's and sleeping bags. The M&M's were a huge treat... it's not very often that the girls get to eat chocolate at 8:00 at night. The movie night last until almost 10:30 p.m. Only 3 out of the 4 people in our family made it through the movie without falling asleep. Any guesses to the snoozer?