Thursday, June 18, 2009

Someone's Got the Need for Speed

So, we have been visiting the park a lot lately to have a family walk and so Ryan can practice riding her bike without having a street to maneuver around. Well, Charlie never wanted to ride her tricycle because "it's not fast enough so it isn't fun." As a matter of fact, she chooses to ride in the stroller over the tricycle. Someone is really growing up. Anyway, I know it's not her birthday or Christmas but it just seemed appropriate to get her an actual real bike so that she could enjoy it all summer long.

One morning we packed up the stroller and Ryan's bike and put the kids in the car to drive to the park where we like to go. We tricked them and surprised them by going to the toy store instead. When Charlie realized that we were in the bike aisle and we weren't really "getting a present for another little kid" she lit up with the best smile ever. She picked this purple bike to be her very own.

We headed straight to the park afterward to try it out. She had to get used to it a little. Not a whole lot of exercising happened for mom and dad that day but we loved helping her learn.

And now... Well that munchkin we know and love, loves to race! She makes those little legs move pretty fast! Next, we'll have to work on the training wheels!


Anonymous said...

Go, Charlie... go!
p.s. purple, of course!!
Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

way to go Charlie!!!And even a purple bike...hugs aunt ginny

Anonymous said...

Nice bike riding Charlie. Good job! LOL NONA