Saturday, February 09, 2013

Christmas Night at the Carey's

On Christmas Night, we headed to Aunt Ginny and Uncle Tim's house!  I must have been having too much fun to take pictures.  I only got a few.  And... a nomination for "Mother of the Year Award" because I did not get one picture of Ryan in her cute Christmas outfit!  ugh... how did that happen?
Oh well, here are the limited photos that I got...
 Daddy, Charlie, Katie, and Tim
 Mommy and Charlie and Charlie's new camera!
 Mommy, Ana, Matt, and Casey

A photographer is born!

 Dinner partners!
 The hostess with the mostest!
My dinner partners!
That's it... bummer... I can't believe I didn't get more!
I guess fun times = no pictures sometimes!
I will try to be better in the future... or I will turn over responsibilities to the new photographer of the household!

Christmas Morning 2012

Good morning Grace Girls!  It looks like Santa came to visit!!
What did he bring?

Mommy got to sneak downstairs and take a picture of the goods but the girls are being held captive upstairs until Gigi, Papa, and Marzie arrive... 7:00 a.m. start time (This is sleeping in compared to years' past!)

Somehow Santa knows that the girls aren't allowed downstairs yet... as always, he left some gifts by their special tree in their room.

Waiting patiently on the stairs.  
Waiting not so patiently... now waiting "Gangham Style!"

Okay, it's time to see what kind of loot there is downstairs!  The first thing the girls noticed was that Santa responded to their letters...

Charlie is so excited... "All she ever wanted in her whole life... a Dream Lite!"
Looks like Santa wants the Graces to spend some time at Disneyland this year!  Woo-hoo!

Marzie spent some quality time with the silliest girl I know!

Grandpa and Nonna watched from a safe distance to the chaos!

On to the living room to open family gifts!  Look what Charlie made for Mommy and Daddy!

New Uggs for Ry-Ry!

A shared present from Mommy... old blankies and handkerchiefs (from my childhood) to use with their dollies.

A gift for Grandpa and Nonna too!

Oh my... a family gift.  What is it???

An iPad finally... yay!

Our tradition... family breakfast after the gift opening!  Thanks Daddy for all the hard work!

Family pics to end the morning!


Another great Christmas!  Time to get ready to go to Ginny and Tim's house!  Stay tuned for the next post!