Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Christmas Tradition

Every family creates their own holiday traditions. Some traditions stick from your childhood and some are all new. Our new tradition started last year and is a mix of old and new. When I was little, I used to draw a giant Christmas tree out of paper and hang it in my room and decorate however I wanted. I loved it. When I was much older (but still single), I would have a themed tree every year but my lovely husband didn't like that idea so much. So... we have adapted both versions to where the girls get to pick a theme to decorate their very own Christmas tree to have in their room. Last year's tree was fairy themed. This year, after a lot of compromise and deliberation, the girls settled on a mermaid tree.

The top 3 contenders were... A crown tree, a princess tree, and the mermaid tree. In addition to the compromise on the theme, was the compromise of the color. Since the fairy tree last year was mostly pink, Ryan let Charlie pick purple as the accent color to the aqua blue ocean. Yesterday, we had to visit two stores to find just the right accessories for the mermaid tree and then first thing this morning, the girls and I got to work on our masterpiece!

Charlie showed Mommy exactly where she wanted her ornaments to be hung. Now mind you, that everything has to be fair... I had to divide up the ornaments EXACTLY so that each girl got to place the same number of ornaments!

But then Charlie tried to sneak over to Ryan's pile and steal a few! Oh that Charlie!

Ta - Da!! The finished product!

We hope everyone enjoys getting ready for the holidays as much as we do!


Anonymous said...

In the Houghton household, tradition (jim) says we can not even talk about XMAS until after his b-day (12/07)! So I am very excited to get into the holiday spirit a little early with your beautifully decorated tree:)
Girls did a great job ... love the colors!
Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

GOOD JOB GIRLS!!!! maybe you can come help me decorate our tree...I miss having little ones help out..ALthough Patrick put up all our outside lights this weekend with big tim while I did the house...xoxo aunt ginny

Jenn said...

What a fun tradition....I love how creative you and the girls are!