Friday, January 26, 2007

Snow Day

Today, Ryan had "Snow Day" at her preschool. They have been learning about snow for the entire month of January and today they finally got to find out what it is all about. The moms and dads (and Charlies) got to come and watch the festivities.

These two pictures above are Ryan and her classmates before they headed out to the snow mound. I got to watch the morning routine in Ryan's classroom. As a teacher, I was very excited to watch. They talked about the calendar which is a very popular elementary school activity so I was thrilled to observe my 2 year old showing off her academic skills. They counted all the way to 26 because today is January 26th. They told the teacher that "today is Friday, yesterday was Thursday, and tomorrow is Saturday". They sang good morning songs. They talked about the weather and about what they are learning in school. Ryan was one of the loudest in the group.
Proud mommy moment, I tell ya!

And then... they were off to play in the snow...

At first, Ryan was not so sure about the snow. Can you tell?

She finally warmed up. Yeh for Snow Day!


Anonymous said...

Ryan it takes me a little while to get used to the snow, too! I think we are just beach girls at heart:) Love you xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Lori, I think Ryan should be a baby model. She is BEAUTIFUL! Love you all XOXO

Anonymous said...

Ryan i agree with Aunt Casey we are beach girls. But, next thing we know you will be coming down the slopes skiing..xoxo