Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Mad Hatter

Ryan had a little heart-to-heart with the Mad Hatter yesterday about her upcoming birthday party. After changing her mind about her birthday party theme three times (I wonder where she gets that from? Haha), she is getting excited again for her tea party. We even bought little "Alice" her very own dress to wear.


Anonymous said...

ryan, i am very excited about your tea party. godmommie katie had a b-day tea party when she was little and it was so much fun! love you and miss you xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

oooooo yay! Strangely enough I just finished reading Alice in Wonderland for a class I'm taking. So... have a very "happy unbirthday" today, but I can't wait for the REAL birthday in March! LoVe YoU!!