Thursday, July 04, 2013

Opa!! Lori Turns 40 by Going GREEK!

Turning 40 was quite an experience!  In May, Steve and I through a big Greek fraternity style toga party to celebrate with the big 4-0 with my friends!  I feel blessed to have so many great friends that truly went ALL OUT with the theme!  Everyone came in great outfits and were truly ready to party "fraternity style!"  We had a fraternity name and everything... Lambda Kappa Gamma (my initials in Greek letters!)

The party favors were panties... heehee... so naughty!
We turned the china cabinet into a faux fraternity house cabinet.  I put in pictures from the good ol' days in my sorority from college and even made a fraternity paddle for the event.
We decorated the backyard with Greek columns, twinkle lights, and the most beautiful flower arrangements in Greek urns!  I loved everything!!
I even got my hair and make-up done for the big night!
The Greek food arrived with the caterers and the servers and bartenders too!
The DJ got the tunes all ready to roll to bring us back to the Good Ol' College days... lots of Snoop, Run DMC, and Notorious BIG
Greek letters on the front of the house to set the stage as the guests arrived!
See how people used it as the backdrop for their personal pics!!  Just what I had hoped for!




Finally, the guests arrive! 
(The pictures below are not sequential... that was too hard to manipulate them all)










This part of the night was awesome!  Steve gave the most heartfelt speech and said some really wonderful things about me, and our family, and our life.  Thank you Steve!!

And then.... he jumped in the pool!!!  So awesome!!
Because then... a lot of other people jumped in the pool too!

And I watched on in complete shock!

And then the birthday cake!! 

Happy Birthday to me!  The best night ever!!




Anonymous said...

Still Good looking! Great pictures and a great party. Lot's of good times for the 40 years old gang!!! Love Mom

Anonymous said...

WOW ... forty knows how to have fun!
Aunt Casey