Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ryan and Her Prince

Each year, the Seal Beach Girl Scouts host a Father/Daughter Dance. Ryan and Steve had a fantastic time last year at the "Hoedown" themed event. Steve was totally prepped... He was under the impression that it was a "hoedown" every year so he went to The Boot Barn and got fancy real cowboy boots, and real cowboy belt, and shirt. He figured, "Hey, why not? I can wear this every year as the girls are involved in Girl Scouts! What a deal!"

Well... all was good until we got this year's invite!

The annual "hoedown" had turned into a "Sock Hop!"

Suddenly, prepared Steve was not quite as prepared!

"Why shop" Steve says, "This outfit works for the 50's as well as it did for the 80's party we at attended AND... ironically for work tomorrow too! LOL!

Isn't she precious?

So excited to spend some QT with her daddy!
He is her hero!

I wonder what next year's theme will be?


Anonymous said...

Ryan, You look absolutely beautiful standing next to your hero Daddy Prince. All of your pictures are so cute. And, oh my goodness, you are so grown up now. Love you so much! Nona

Anonymous said...

Boy,are you getting grown up Ryan..What a great way to have fun with Your Hero....xo, aunt ginny