Monday, November 03, 2008

Teddy Bear School's Halloween Parade

This was Charlie first experience in one of Teddy Bear School's parades. She has been a wonderful spectator in the past but she was thrilled to get to be an actual participant this year. This Halloween was a little different than the past two at school in that they used to BRING their costumes and changes right before the parade. This year they got to WEAR their costume all day! Oh brother! What a disaster! By the time the parade started (let alone trick-or-treat time that night) Ryan's peacock feathers were destroyed and Charlie was one filthy-broken winged purple fairy. Mommy spent the afternoon trying to doctor up the costumes before the Halloween party we attended that night! Oh well, they loved it.

Unless you have toddler little girls, you probably need the 411 on the costumes the girls chose this year. Ryan is Barbie Island Princess. Princess Ro has peacock feathers and lives amongst the animals on a beautiful deserted island and somehow meets an amazingly gorgeous prince out in the middle of nowhere! Charlie's explanation is a little simpler... Charlie loves purple. And Charlie loves fairies. So Charlie wanted to be a purple fairy. She picked out all the accessories. She didn't wear them all to school but she had a crown with purple jewels, a purple wand, even a purple mask. Her purple shoes were my favorite.

Here is Charlie's first go around at the parade. She was such a proud pre-schooler!

Charlie sitting pretty and following directions ready to sing "5 Little Pumpkins."

It's days like these that truly makes us love this preschool. It such a small town feel and all the parents take off of work to show up and watch with their cameras! The kids feel like celebrities!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the costumes, the girls look beautiful! Thanks for sharing:)
Aunt Casey