Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Gifts Come Early!!

The girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to get things in the mail. In the last week or so, they have gotten two great packages. First, Aunt Ginny and Uncle Tim sent them two wonderful Christmas books. The pop up book in the pictures below has been a favorite new bedtime book. Does anyone know how long it takes to read "The 12 Days of Christmas" in pop up style to toddlers??? Well... let's just say the bedtime story time has been starting much, much earlier lately. Haha... they love every minute of it (I'm loving it too, I had forgotten most of the words). Thanks Ginny and Tim!

And then, Aunt Casey and Uncle Jim "Bubba" sent the girls musical instruments! Steve and I can not thank themenough for this wonderfully loud pastime. We will be sure to send ALL the instruments with them the next time they come to your house so that you can see (and hear) how much they enjoy them! Haha! I'm getting a kick out of it because the girls and I each pick an instrument and play them for daddy until he can't take it anymore. We love to push his buttons. That's what he gets for being the only boy in a house of all girls!!
Thanks Casey and Jim!

And then finally... the best part of all was playing with the "snow" in our living room.

Ryan made a snow angel...

And Charlie tried to make one too...
(not quite yet little one)

Thank you Aunt Ginny, Uncle Tim, Aunt Casey, and Bubba! You guys are too good to our girls. It was a wonderful surprise and they are loving every minute of it. xoxo
P.S. I hope you are able to post now, I'm now sure what happened last time. Let me know if you can't again.


Anonymous said...

Anytime they want to bring their musical instruments here, we can't wait! xoxo
p.s. funny, the packaging is always the best; we love our little snow angels:)

Anonymous said...

o.k. lets see if i get it right this the did steven like all the snow on the floor, notice he was walking away..........lots of love ginny

Anonymous said...

how do i get it like casey???????
