Sunday, August 26, 2007

Playing Dress Up

The girls are really making use of their new playroom. They have not left one cubby, shelf, or box unturned. Today they got back into their dress up box.

Ryan helped Charlie get dressed. I don't how into it she was since I couldn't get her to take her eyes off of the television even to take a picture.

Ryan channeling her best bride impression (or maybe more like a haunted spirit. She looks a little frightening. I wouldn't want to cross her path late at night in the hallway)

The Roaring 20's!!

Charlie still watching TV...


Anonymous said...

Ryan's hair is so blonde, and Charlie is getting so much hair!
Both adorable:)

Anonymous said...

This made my day... I thought the same thing about ryan's hair..I'm still trying to get patrick to look at me and not the t.v. and he is how old????