Monday, August 14, 2006

big girl = big responsibilities

Well, there is only one way to say this. Ryan is two. And you all know what that means. Mommy started getting a little annoyed with her behavior and her obsession with the word NO. The teacher in me came out and yep, you guessed it, it's time for another reward chart. I have to say, my daughter responds very well to stickers. I have learned over and over again in my profession that you have to find that one thing that works for that individual. For Ryan, it's stickers.

Ryan is brushing her teeth all by herself. This falls under the rule, "I listen the first time." Surprisingly, no soaking wet shirt, counter, or floor. Yeh!

I have also learned through teaching that you're really only supposed to have 3-5 rules at a time for young children. I tried, I really did. I just couldn't narrow it down. Some are really easy for her so I'm looking at those as constant positive reinforcement and encouragement for the others. Can you tell which ones are difficult for her? Hmmm... yes... she's having a hard time being nice to her sister and can't seem be quiet while mommy is on the phone. Go figure.

She gets to pick out and put up the stickers herself. You'll see her one lone sticker for being nice to Charlie is a little butterfly at the end of the rainbow. Well placed Ryan. Sure wish we could get some more. Gotta say though, I'm pretty impressed at how much her behavior has improved. I wonder if we'll have to take the chart on vacation with us???


Jenn said...

You can take the teacher out of the classroom does that saying go? I'm totally spacing...long day. Anyway, I love your cute teacher charts. Keep up the good work Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Big girl, Ryan ... we are so proud of you:)

Anonymous said...

Good girl Ryan, I'll have to buy some fun stickers for you when I'm out.. Keep being good to your little sister.. XOXO

Anonymous said...

add on more, I let uncle rich play with my p---y and I rub his c--k