Our little Ryan is growing up... at 7 now... time to take care of her OWN grown up errands!
(Such sticklers in this house... LOL)
No, seriously... Ryan is started to understand and appreciate the value of
She asks how much things cost and determines whether or not she should use her own money to purchase something. I think she is a saver because she has yet to determine something important enough to ACTUALLY buy on her own. Haha, she asks mom and dad instead!
(Smart girl)
Phewww...Maybe she'll be able to buy her own car someday!
(I'm afraid her car expectations might be a bit high...hmmm, I wonder where she gets that from!)
She stood patiently in line and was absolutely "grown up" (aka... polite and talked in a "big girl" voice when she came up to the counter) in her task.
Nice work Ya! (short for Ya-Ya)