Sunday, March 06, 2011

Happy Birthday Rockstar Ryan!

Can you believe Ryan is 7 already?
We can't!
What we realized about this birthday... our little girl is really growing up! The theme she chose for her party certainly illustrated that fact for sure!
I know, you say, "huh, what's a Jammie Jam?"
Well, this is how it started. Ryan wanted a pajama party AND she wanted a dance party... so mommy put the two ideas together to come up with "Jammie Jams!"
I was a little nervous... but it turned out cute! I love a party theme "challenge." It makes it more fun for me!

The favors...
Every girl got a Jammie Jams CD with the playlist from the party...
Justin Bieber, Hannah Montana, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez... and even tracks from The Sound of Music. Ryan picked all the songs and then mommy went online to read all of the lyrics to make sure we picked "appropriate 7 year old tunes." The Justin Bieber songs were "iffy" but oh, I would have not lived that down if I didn't put the #1 heartthrob on the CD!

The favor bags also contained jammies for each girl... somehow I had to connect the two concepts of the theme! I even found jammies in the colors of the party... black, pink, and turquoise!

Favor bags lined up and ready to go...

We also had a candy bar as part of the party fun...

The cupcakes were crafted by our favorite cupcake vender
In the picture, the hot pink ones look orange but they were actually the perfect pink! She even incorporated the zebra print that I had in the decorations!

I can't believe I didn't take pictures of the all the decor... you'll have to imagine the Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, and peace sign posters that graced the walls along with the Hannah Montana and Selena Gomez cut outs!
Don't worry... they are now adorning the walls in their bedroom, so you can see them anytime...LOL!

Ryan first guest arrives... Kendall!
The girls started getting out the props... hats and sunglasses to get the party started!

The rest of the girls started to show and immediately started dancing the night away!

About a half an hour into the party, we stopped to serve dinner! We continued to take turns on the Wii Dance while the girls ate their dinner! Perfect dinnertime entertainment!

After eating... no time was spared before getting back to the rockin' out!

To keep the attention span of 1st graders... Mommy kept changin' it up! We had a freeze dance with glowsticks, strobe light dancing, karaoke singing, and lots of instruments for the full rock band effect!

Oh, there's Justin...

We took another break to sing happy birthday to Ryan and eat some cupcakes!

The craft table was a continuous part of the party fun... at any time the girls could head over and create a peace sign key chain with best babysitter in the world, Aubrey!!! Here is Hannah making her key chain...
Candy Bar time...
All the girls got a popcorn cup to fill with candy and popcorn!
We ended the party with snuggly movie time with our "goodies." Somehow, we had to incorporate the "pajama" part of the party.... haha... it's a stretch I know but they were cute and think, all rocked out and needed the break!

Ryan is so lucky to have such a sweet group of friends!
What a great time!

A party that I hope Ryan will remember and one that Charlie will want to copy in the future... this one was a really fun one to plan!



Anonymous said...

Im tired...What a great fun party..
Lots of Love, Aunt Ginny and Big Tim

Anonymous said...

Wow ... thanks for the quick post,I was so anxious to hear how it went!
Looks like the B-day girl and all her
pals had a rockin' good time!
Happy Birthday Ryan ... we love you!
Aunt Casey and Uncle Bubba
p.s. how did daddy do (just a glimpse into the future)!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow what a great party!! You really need to consider going in to professional party planning!! Are the parents of the girls' friends in a panic about giving parties for their kids? How do you follow this act? luv, tmt

Anonymous said...

NO kidding Lori, you really should change your profession...ginny

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT Party for Ryan's 7th! So many happy faces and great dancing too. Lot's of good times here for sure. Good job MOM!
xo Nona & Grandpa