Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucky Strikes Again

This St. Patrick's Day, Lucky the Leprechaun had another trick up his sleeve for evidence! In addition to the green toilet water, the green milk, and the messes, Lucky left his footprints.
He is so clever that Lucky ;)

The girls were in awe when they discovered that Lucky had indeed visited Fir Avenue!
They were ready to start their day in their green and very festive outfits (thanks to Bubba and Casey)... Charlie even said, "And now I won't get punched!"
I replied, "It's pinched, not punched Chuckie!"
LOL... It didn't matter she said "punched" all day and I didn't have the heart to tell her again. It was just too cute. I guess she'll have to learn next year!
We hope everyone had a safe and fun Leprechaun Day!


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the Irish!
Girls look so cute in their sweatshirts, glad to see they still fit :)
Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

Charlie & Ryan you girls are very blessed to have visits by your favorite tricky Leprechaun. He must like you guys alot.
Hugs, Nona