Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy 40th to me!

A huge thank you to my family for helping me celebrate 40 years of a great life!  I look forward to 40+ more!  A big thank you to my hubby for organizing such a nice day for me!
Old Ranch was the perfect host for an easy-peezy Sunday morning brunch!
Here are the troops:
Katie and Charlie

Both of the grandpas
Marzie and Bubba
(We may never call them by their real names again!)

At the omelet bar look to see what options to fill their bellies with

Now, Katie and Ryan... everyone wants some time with Cousin Katie!

Ginny, Steve, and Godmommy Katie!

Charlie and Cam... more Cousin Love

And here's Annie... she wasn't quite sure about all of us! It's a lot to take in!

Yay!  Momma gets a little serenade!  

And a special Charlie rendition of "Happy Birthday, Eat More Chicken!"

I love these girlies!

And this guy too!

Just trying to make Annie smile.  LOL... she wants nothing to do with this picture!

Still trying... not working!

 I am so, so grateful for the great turn out!  It is such a long trek for everyone.  Thank you all so much!
I appreciate the love very, very much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a fun celebration ... good job Steven for all your organizing and thanks Lori for sharing FORTY with us all!
Casey and Bubba