Wednesday, June 20, 2012

IRISH second grade wasn't over!

Oh my, I can't believe we have come to the end of another year!
Ryan had some pretty great experiences to end out her second grade year!  When I look at my beautiful girl, she looks so grown up to me.  I feel like she is going to be a teenager before we know it and that seems so scary.  I have to say that I am honored to be her mommy.  She is always so well behaved, so polite, and works very hard in school!

Ryan got the honor of being "Teacher for a Day" in Mrs. Bailey's class.  She was determined to pick her own teacher outfit and NOT let mommy dress her this time.

This is our SECOND grade Teacher for a Day

 This was our FIRST grade Teacher for a Day!

Breakfast feast and staff meeting for all of the teachers and Teachers for a Day!

Miss Grace proved to be hard as nails in the classroom. 
Watch out kids... there will be NO talking in class!

Taking attendance and the lunch count

And all teachers drink "coffee" (aka hot chocolate).
Thanks to Mrs. Bailey for making Miss Grace fit right in.

Another special second grade project that will be remembered forever!
Ryan got to choose one of her family members to interview to learn about her heritage.  Ryan chose Aunt Marzie!  Marzie was AWESOME!  Ryan sat down with her and completed the interview portion of the project to learn about the Irish part of her heritage.  When Ryan was writing her report based on what she learned from Marzie, she even called Marzie on a few occasions to get more information.  Marzie gave her old photos to use of the family as visual aids.  Ryan practiced using the pictures as part of her oral report.  On the day of her presentation, Ryan thought wearing green would be best.  Marzie came down to Seal Beach bright and early for the big event.  Marzie got to sit right next to Ryan as she introduced Marzie and gave her report.  Marzie brought Ryan a new book about Ireland and brought several more visual aids too.

 Marzie brought a giant map of Ireland and Ryan remembered exactly where in Ireland to show the class!  Nice work.
 Ryan didn't need to use her notecards.  She spoke slow and clearly and infused some stories and humor sometimes.  She was super amazing.  We may have a little public speaker on our hands here!
 Ryan remembered to tell about each photo and only needed Marzie's help one time to help identify the photo.  Having Marzie there was extra special.  Not everyone had their special person show up for the presentation so it really meant the world to us and to Ryan.  Thanks Marzie!
 No surprise but Ryan got all "E's" on her report and presentation and her teacher's words were, "Now that's the way a speech is supposed to be given!  Great job Ryan!"

Irish second grade didn't have to end!


Anonymous said...

It's no wonder you make your Mommy and Daddy so proud ... you are a beautiful, accomplished little girl.
We love you!
Aunt Casey and Uncle Bubba

Anonymous said...

Ryan, your aunt Casey said it all..
Lots of Love, Aunt Ginny

Anonymous said...

Dear Ryan,
Oh My GOD, what a wonderful presentation! Ryan & Marzie what a pair, you guys rock!
xoxo NONA

Katie said...

Ryan, you are the absolute best! Keep up the good work. You are a superstar! Love you XOXOXO