Vegas or bust... baby!!
Our mission: to get to Summerlin in less than 5 hours.
Mission accomplished!
Spring Break brought on a rather impromptu trip to visit Uncle Jeff and Aunt Julie in Vegas.
We took the girls out of school Thursday afternoon to start the trek across the desert.
Everyone snuggled in for a long ride.

With lots of snacks.

And fingernails to bite.

And cameras to take pictures of yourself on the road.

Haha.... seriously, anything to keep us occupied on the drive.
It actually went pretty darn fast.
Upon our arrival... we were met with sincere anticipation from
The Great Puffer!!!!

We arrived about dinnertime. We devoured some fab pizza and the girls were ready to hit the sack in their new sleeping bags.

Haha... NOT!!!! Fooled you. They didn't actually SLEEP in the sleeping bags of course, they jumped in bed with mommy and daddy instead. Silly mommy, sleeping bags are just toys all rolled up for fun.
Lots of snuggle time with Aunt Julie, Uncle Jeff, and Puffer of course.

As the kids settled in for the night, Daddy poured a little slice of heaven for the grown ups. Whoosh, well deserved... long drive.
On Friday morning, the guys played golf so Julie treated us girls to a day at the Springs Preserve.
The place was awesome! Easiest to compare the experience to a history museum of sorts but so, so much more. We learned all about the history of Las Vegas and surrounding areas and all the people, animals, and critters that inhabit the land.
Since the girls were missing school that day (sick from school, wink-wink!), I felt much better about the educational experience we had encountered for the day.

We found a human sized rabbit hole. You can crawl inside of it and look up through the dome to witness the real rabbits in action.

The girls learned about nocturnal animals. They had to solve a maze by categorizing what time of day the animals are active. So very "Survivor"... the girls wanted to get "immunity."
I know, I know... I let my kids watch that! Bad mommy, huh?

We sat in an old train car and learned about the Westward Movement.

We learned about the dwellings and life style of the Native Americans that lived on the land.
(P.S. I'm saving this picture for when Ryan is in 3rd grade and studying Native American cultures!)

We even met some cool desert critters. Charlie loved this little guy (and honestly, I think he loved her too!)

The coolest was the Vinegaroon. It looks like a scorpion but completely harmless to humans. When it feels threatened, it sprays a vinegar substance at its predator... mainly cockroaches!

In the nature center, there were some amazing desert blooms and greenery! The pictures don't do it justice. So gorgeous.

Ryan even tried her hand at the photography!

Friday night brought on some grillin' out and hangin' out with the fam!
Jeff on the Q...

Ryan having dinner with Aunt Julie...

Charlie is getting some love from Jill (or vice versa, I suppose!)

Random squirtgun fights with neighbor Katie. Can you see her little head popped over the wall?

Not to mention a little family game night fun!
Apples to Apples is the girls' fave game!
SATURDAY:Saturday morning we headed over to Spanish Trails for a little Easter celebration!
The girls had their very first picture with the Easter Bunny!
(Again, I know, I know... bad mommy! I swear, up until this point in life, they were scared of the darn super-sized stuffed animal! No offense, I would be too!!!)

After brunch, we went out and secured our spots for the Easter Egg Hunt! The divisions were "5 and under" and "6 - 12." Charlie was NOT, I repeat, not going to do the little kiddie division because she is "5 1/2"... no way Jose!
So... two Grace princesses staked out their spots...

The announcer states over the loudspeaker that "there is golden egg in the field and the one who finds it will get a prize!"
The girls spot it... the anticipation grows... the hearts beat faster... and...

... and... they're off!!
A proud display of teamanship by the Grace Girls because in the end...

... they recovered the coveted Golden Egg!

(Or so you would have thought, right????? Apparently this egg was not the right shade of gold and therefore we did not win the grand Golden Egg prize! It looks gold to me, right? Haha... oh well... no sore losers here, it was a fabulous hunt with lots of great finds.)
After the hunt, we took advantage of Jeff's beautiful club with some photo opps and fun on the putting green!

So, after the Easter "morning" festivities... Jeff and Julie took us to another Vegas hotspot!
Bonnie Springs BABY!!!
I have to say, I loved Bonnie Springs!
Apparently, some lady named Bonnie (approximately 122 years old) owns an old ranch/farm/petting zoo/ghost town/duck pond/beer drinking/train riding venue
on the outskirts of town. Jeff and Julie were afraid we weren't going to like it.... Phew-ey! This place was awesome!

Low and behold... look what we have here!! Bonnie herself! She drives around on her golf cart and talks to the folks. She was a hoot.
Ryan was in charge of the camera and shot some great pics of the "attractions."

The girls loved this ol' cowboy!

We toured the ghost town.

And even got our fortunes told. I swear, no joke... our fortune said something like,
"Y'all will have good luck in your life. Go on y'all just put more money in... I'll tell ya some more."

Saturday night, we took a trip to the strip for dinner. We ate at this great restaurant across from the Bellagio. We had great seats that overlooked the watershow. We all loved it. Fabulous food too! Best steak I've had in years!
SUNDAY:When the girls went to bed Saturday night, they weren't sure if the Easter Bunny was going to find them in Las Vegas. Luckily, he did :-)

They found their hidden baskets, tore them open, and they went through all their goods!

Baskets are great and all... until... you realize that there are Easter Eggs hidden outside!
Now the game has changed a bit...
On your mark, get set, GO!!!!

The Easter Bunny hid the eggs EVERYWHERE! As a matter of fact, somehow, we knew that he hid exactly 50 eggs! (Weird, the girls only found 47! I sure hope Puffer did sniff them out later!)

That sneaky bunny!

Second time in less than an hour that there is a need to "sort the loot!"

After the sorting and clean up was complete... the Graces of Seal Beach said so long to the Graces of "Lost" Vegas (that's what Ryan calls it and has a very logical explanation too for the name) and headed out for the coast!