Monday, January 05, 2009

The 10 Steps of Christmas Morning

Christmas morning must be the best part of being a parent.
Here's a play-by-play of how the morning went...
#1: The girls stood at the top of stairs and stared down to see what Santa had left

#2: Of course, Santa strategically placed the toys where the girls could see them from their positions at the top of the stairs. Well done Santa.

#3: Daddy forgot to get out the video camera ahead of time and made a 4 year old and 3 year wait (yes, WAIT) on the stairs until he returned with the camera! How cruel.

#4: When they finally got the okay, they jumped right into their gifts. No pun intended!

#5: And then went to the stockings and found their number one want on their wish list..."Real diamonds and real emeralds" in the bottom of their stockings. Well, Santa might have embellished the "real" part just a bit but it will take them a few years to realize the difference I hope.

#6: Daddy had to put the toys together that Santa didn't have time to do beforehand. Oddly, the girls heard a lot of 4 letter words during this part of the festive morning.

#7: We got ready for the troops to arrive for our traditional Christmas morning breakfast.
#8: The troops arrived to find that Santa had left yet another toy for the girls in the front yard that they had missed up until this point in the morning. Steve is telling the very animated tale about how many pieces the "elves" had to deal with in making the little toy.

#9: The girls were summoned to the driveway to see that they had missed a playhouse that Santa had left for them. There eyes lit up... they were so adorable.

#10: Finally, we all went inside for some good ol' fashioned Holiday cheer (oh ya, and puppet show by Papa)!

A very Merry Christmas morning indeed!


Anonymous said...

Ahhh ... thanks for the play by play, I feel as though I was there!
A happy, well fed Santa leaves lots of great gifts:) The girls will have hours and hours of fun in their playhouse!
Aunt Casey
p.s. your xmas table looked beautiful!

Anonymous said...

great job santa...remember next year you can call a santa helper who LOVES to help putting things together.. still trying to figure out how to get pictures from 1120 to you...xox aunt ginny