Thursday, September 18, 2008

Different Day... Different School...

Due to my work schedule and our changing daycare situation, this may prove to be a very complicated year for the Graces! The girls will be attending one school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and a different school or Tuesdays and Thursdays. These pictures show the second "first day of school" for the girls. In addition to doing this 'first day of school" thing the day before AND the fact that they are used to this school...Look how much more confident they look in these pictures???
The Pose!
Ryan says: "I'm one of the oldest kids this year so I'm gonna rule the school!"
Charlie says: "My sister looks cool standing like this, so I'm gonna do it to!"

The Greet
Charlie says: "Hi Claire, how was your summer? Which room are you in?"

The Dance!
Claire says: "Room 1"
Charlie says: "ME TOO! Yippppie!!"

The Reunion
All kids: "Cheeeeeeessssse"

"The Pre K class line up"
Ms. Alllison: "Welcome Ryan Grace!"
The Emotions!
Ryan: "This is the best day of my life!"
Charlie: "I'm not so sure about this anymore."

Calendar time in Pre K
Ryan: "I own this place!"

Charlie navigating her new classroom. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to join the other kids at the play doh station. Shortly after this picture...
Charlie: "Waaaaaa (read - loud cry) !!! Take me home mommy."


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, Charlie ... remind me to tell you a story about your Uncle Jeffrey in preschool!
You will have a great time with Claire!
Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

O.K. that makes me sad...Next week will be better Charlie....Lots of hugs, Aunt Ginny