Monday, September 01, 2008

Daddy's Worst Nightmare

On the weekend of August 16th (I know... I am way behind in blogging), our neighborhood had its annual "Kids Swapmeet" at one of our local parks. I had had it on my calendar for months! I live for this kind of stuff. However, my other half's view: Swapmeets, garage sales, and flea markets are his worst nightmare... He reminds me over and over again that he WILL NOT be associated with any of the above. He insists that he will not participate, attend, or chauffeur any people or items to or from such establishments. Haha... he's all bark and no bite! He is right that he didn't attend but he certainly participated and chauffeur his kids, wife, and all their loot home from the park!

The girls got to decide how much money they were going to bring out of their piggy banks and carry it in their purses. Here is Charlie (in the fancy hat she picked to wear to the sale) paying for her first item of the day. 3 barbie sized plastic puppies for $.50.

If you could imagine... Charlie had NO problem buying every item in sight. She kept picking things up and saying, "how much is this?" to anyone who would listen. (I am teaching her well.) Ryan, on the other hand, was very picky and really wanted to get a lay of the land before she made any decisions.
Ryan posing with all of the loot. We had walked to the park and the girls rode in the wagon but we had to change plans after the "spree." Steve had to come through for his girls and pick us up! Heeheehee!

Ryan may not have come home with as much as her sister, but we quickly had to enforce the rules about sharing. Best trip ever... $24 of junk = hours of enjoyment! Now that's better deal than the going price of babysitters.

The Grace Girls (mommy included) are already looking forward to next year!


Anonymous said...

Uncle Bubba agrees with Steve ... "it's just transferring junk from one house to the other!" Luckily, I experienced just how happy these little girls were with their "junk" that kept them so busy the night they came to visit:) xo Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

Sorry I have to aagree with Steven tooo!!!Maybe Charlie could just come over to my house and take some JUNK!!! Love,Ginny