This past weekend we took a spontaneous trip to the desert! It worked out perfectly. We drove out Friday afternoon to Nonna and Grandpa's house. The kids practically jumped out of the car when we arrived. Silly me forgot to put my memory card in my camera but my mom got a few snapshots from the weekend!

All four of us stayed at my parents house Friday night. We went out to dinner and then Mommy and Daddy got some peace and quiet in one of the bedrooms while Nonna hosted a camp out with the girls in the living room.

In the morning, my dad and Steve played an early round of golf. My mom and I built lots of castles until the guys played the hole my parents live on so we could go out back and cheer them on. Charlie kept saying, "Daddy is the winner! Daddy is the winner!" And then Ryan would remind her gently that, "Grandpa is the winner too Charlie!" Charlie would say, "oh ya!" in her oh-so-Charlie way.

Once the guys passed the house, we took the girls to the pool. Ryan eventually got bored because the pool wasn't deep enough to dive into and said quite loud in front of others, "This people is just for old people and babies!" Way to go Ryan! She doesn't quite have the trait of being discrete yet!

We swam until the guys were done with golf. They came by in the golf cart to pick up the wet girlies and drive them home. My mom and I stayed behind to clean up and head out. But guess who was still driving around and around the parking lot??? Yes, Charlie!! Ryan had had her turn at the wheel too! What a brave grandpa!
After golf, Steve and I skidaddled out of there as fast as possible to enjoy a romantic day and night to ourselves! We went to the spa, had a nice dinner, went to the casino (where we originally met), and enjoyed sleeping in!
Thanks for babysitting Nonna & Grandpa!!
love the pics. sounds like a perfect weekend...Get ready grandpa Jack pretty soon the girls will be taking it out on there own....Hugs, Aunt Ginny
Sounds like everyone benefited from the weekend ... so fun!
Aunt Casey
O.K. hope you had a fun weekend with some picture taking...Ginny
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