Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A "Good Friday" for Ryan at the Doctor's Office

Ryan had her 4 year well check at the doctor's office last Friday. If you can tell, our appointment was right after Ryan got out of preschool. She was very proud of her bunny status for the day. I had also prepared her to get four shots as the nurses had told me on the phone. Well, turns out... she doesn't get those shots until right before Kindergarten begins (in over a year from now) so Ryan was off the hook for the day. It was a good, good Good Friday for sure!

Everything looks great according to the nurse.

Ryan pretending to be the doctor...

Ryan finding a book to read while we are waiting for the doctor to arrive...


Anonymous said...

Ryan, you are such a big girl!
XOOX Aunt Casey

Anonymous said...

NO shots that was a good Friday.Good report Ryan...Hugs Ginny