Easter came quickly this year but the Grace girls were ready for it! They talked about the Easter Bunny nonstop for a week (and only a week because before that, they had leprechauns to talk about)! We had an action packed day that began before dawn...
Finding Easter basket #1
The "cookers" (that is what the girls call chefs) - Steve and Marzie. We had a delicious brunch of frittatas, french toast, bacon, sausage, danishes, and fruit salad. Oh ya, and cocktails!
The entertainment. The girls put on a show for Gigi and Aunt Di.
The gifts. Ohhhhh, the gifts! They went on and on. Charlie was confused that maybe this was Christmas again. Cousin Megan brought them Easter baskets. Uncle Mike and Aunt Di brought them new books and giant Easter Eggs filled with fun stuff. Marzie brought them gift bags full of goodies. Gigi and Papa got them new DVD, sunglasses, and outfits. Even Ginny and Big Tim sent a new book over and they weren't even there! The girls were in heaven. Thank you everyone!!
The anticipation of the hunt. Charlie is screaming, "Look Gigi, the Easter Bunny was here. He left eggs out there!" And then she scurried to go get Ryan.
The hunt. This picture took place literally less than 2 minutes later than the one above from the couch. They didn't waste any time.
Papa taking a picture of Charlie in action.
Ryan, as opposed to Charlie, was all about quantity. You can see she is quite proud of her stash.
The loot. And then several hours of sugar-high fun in the Grace household.
Hoppy Easter everyone. Thank you for joining us. We loved it.
P.S. My camera is acting up again. Sorry for the fuzzy photos.
P.S. My camera is acting up again. Sorry for the fuzzy photos.