So... last year at this time when Ryan started preschool school clothes shopping was not an issue. Why? Because I did all the shopping by myself and Ryan wasn't involved in the process at all. This year, on the other hand, I wouldn't have DARED go shopping without her. She is really into her "twirly" dresses and "Disney princess" clothes. Well... "twirly" dresses don't really go with tennis shoes (because that is what the school suggests the kids wear to school) and "Disney Princess" garments don't really fit into Daddy's vision of toddlerwear. Oh, that Daddy! Doesn't he realize that Faconnable doesn't have a toddler section!!
As you can see, both mommy and Ryan were very proud that we were able to come to agreement on so many fun outfits! Aunt Casey had called and insisted that we display our finds on the blog for her to check them out. It actually turned out to be a fun activity, thanks for the idea Cas!
During our new clothes photo shoot, I told Ryan to pose at the end of the row of all the clothes. We had to tweak her arms a little to get her into this pose but all in all, she did a good job. And then, you know who wanted to get in the mix...
This is Charlie's version of the "pose" at the end of the row. Obviously, I don't think modeling is in her future. I laugh every time I see this picture. She really did try to be like her big sister.
And if that wasn't funny enough... Charlie then started stealing the clothes and heading upstairs to hide them. Either she doesn't like the idea of Ryan starting school again or she wants to go herself.
Wow, what a haul! Puma, Roxy, Lacoste ... Ryan you are really a fashion plate! Love the top with the jeans. You will be the best dressed little girl at school:)
LOL on the Charlie pose!!!
Thanks for sharing.
p.s. has steve heard that nordstrom is no longer going to carry faconnable??? may be a rumor (or maybe a dream i had) but i did hear it somewhere just recently.
WOW, wish I was a kid again. Pop would be proud of the haul,(checking all the lables) Ryan can't wait to show you my cool lacoste tennis shoes and my keds you will really like them...hugs
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