Ryan had her first day back at preschool today.

This year she is in Room 2. Peter and Kealoha go to Renee's daycare too but they will be in Room 1. Ryan expressed great pride that she would be in room 2 "which is bigger than room 1" (these were her exact words). Well, then she was quickly humbled when she found out some of her friends that were in her room last year will be in room 3 and some in room 4. This information caused just a bit of a meltdown. She got over it quickly when she noticed that both her good friends Azia and Cole will be with her in room 2 this year.
I mean, seriously... is this really happening??? Isn't my daughter only 3??? Crying over friends not being in your classroom doesn't happen this young, does it????

One of Ryan's new teachers. Her exact words to me were, "Oh, you are the produce people, aren't you?" I think her wheels were spinning at how she was going to use dipped strawberries to her advantage this year!

Awwwww... what a star. That's my little girl... still perfectly pressed after a day at school. haha. Seriously though, I may biased... but she is a cute kid!!