Now that Charlie is sitting up so well, she has graduated to the big girl bathtub. I highly recommend it to all the new moms out there. This way she can sit up and play with Ryan or splash the water or both! Bath time justs keeps getting better and better. Look how much fun they are having. Although... on this night of the maiden voyage of this particular bath aparatus Steve asked me, "which one do you want to get out first?" I replied, "Ryan. Let's let Charlie play a little longer, she's having so much fun." Keep in mind that we ALWAYS, without fail, get Charlie out first until this particular night. What happens... the moment (well within a minute) Ryan got out, Charlie gets this very serious look on her face. (See photo) I only noticed it because I was trying to get her to smile for the camera. I realized what was about to happen and quickly went for her. But I was too late. All of a sudden... an explosion! Right there in the water. Little brown torpedos floating everywhere. I know all you moms who have had your child poop in the bath before are either laughing hysterically or grimacing horribly. We quickly gathered up the child, Steve said, "I told you we should have gotten Charlie out first", threw away all the toys, and the sanitization of the entire bathroom began. What a night!
gotta love 'em ... oh, the joys of parenthood! we are laughing out loud! xoxoxo p.s. looks like lots of fun in that tub full of toys
Hi Ryan and Charlie! We had so much fun playing with you today at Timmy's graduation! You little girls are growing up so quickly. Ryan you are such a loving big sister, I know Charlie loves watching you dance and listen to your songs ... she will be reciting her ABC's before you know it, because she wants to be just like you! I can't wait for you to come back to Pasadena soon so we can swim at Aunt Ginny's and play ring-around-the-rosie again and again! We love you! P.S. Isn't your cousin Timmy cool? We are so proud of him!
Hey Seal Beach crew --- this story is really gross!! :)
I wish I could have been home to play with you today! It sounds like you all had a really great day. Keep up with all pictures and disgusting stories about exploding bodily functions. I'll make sure to remind Charlie on her first date that Mom and Dad put a story online about her pooping in the bath. Lovely :)
Hugs and kisses X's 100000
Parenthood...you just never know what you're going to get!
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