When Daddy is away, the Grace Girls will play! We have 3 rules during a Girl Power Weekend.
Rule #1: The girls can wear WHATEVER they want! No exceptions!
Rule #2: We all wear the dirtiest tennies in our closet just because we CAN!!
Rule #3: We don't clean the house until one hour before Daddy arrives home!
Can you sense a theme to our weekends?
Daddy is kinda a clean freak so when he's not around, we kinda let it all be "loose!"
Charlie chose a complete Rapunzel princess outfit and shoes to wear and even carried her 3 foot Rapunzel doll with her everywhere. Correction. Mommy or Ryan carried the doll because it was too big for Charlie to carry! Haha.
Shhhh... I added another rule to Girl Power Weekend this time...
Rule #4: Mommy can buy things at Garage Sales!
Hee-hee, check out my $2 basketball hoop for the pool. It was a hit!
The most perfect part of the Girl Power Weekend.
Daddy, when are going away again????