We have started to realize that the fall brings an automatic competition between college football schedules and coaching/playing AYSO soccer! Let's be honest...It's a bit of a struggle when the two collide! This past week worked out perfectly for us... we had a 9 o'clock soccer kick off and a 12:30 USC kick off! Not to mention with the perfect weather, we were able to plan a little USC football/pool party with some of our friends. We have met a lot of fun families through Ryan and Charlie's school and who luckily also share a passion for college football... well, the men do... I just have a passion for entertaining and hanging out with great company! LOL!
See, as the men watched the game... the mommies caught up on good conversation (no TV in sight!)
All moms from either Ryan's grade or Charlie's grade... we have at least 12 more years of sharing young/then tween/then teenage girl years together... whoa, watch out!!!
We all have kids that will be in kindergarten together next year (Ava, Charlie, and Avery) and crossing our fingers to get Mrs. Baker again... all together!
Ryan Stevens with Campbell. Tony Panzica with Ben. And Steve Pawlyck... teasing the other two about not having to hold a baby right now... haha!
In addition to our McGaugh friends, Ryan Smith brought the girls down to Ryan's soccer game and then over for the USC game too. The girls loved watching Ryan play soccer. They even had soccer outfits!
Oh ya... there were kids at this party too! A lot of kids to be exact.... actually a lot of little girls! The few boys that were here felt a bit outnumbered I would assume. Megan, our babysitter kept an eye on the chaos upstairs while the "official lifeguard" stayed at the pool... this was Steve's only request for his birthday! Whatever works... it's my goal to make him happy :-)
I think Olivia is having a dance party with baby brother, Ben? or is that Charlie? They are spinning so fast, it's blurry!
Shhhhh.... don't let Steve see the mess! haha... they had so much fun with the dress up closet. So cute. Don't worry... it will all get cleaned up (eventually).
Smith girls, Carson and Sydney hanging out with Avery.

Kendall, Ava, and Hannah enjoying some brownies! Who wouldn't have a smile to be al ear-to-ear brownie????
Oh ya... there were kids at this party too! A lot of kids to be exact.... actually a lot of little girls! The few boys that were here felt a bit outnumbered I would assume. Megan, our babysitter kept an eye on the chaos upstairs while the "official lifeguard" stayed at the pool... this was Steve's only request for his birthday! Whatever works... it's my goal to make him happy :-)
Kendall, Ava, and Hannah enjoying some brownies! Who wouldn't have a smile to be al ear-to-ear brownie????
(Oh, and brownie-face love too.)
All these big girls were in the same K class. They are a bit more spread out this year but still great friends. Charlie loves being able to hang out with all of these "big" girls on the playground this year... she is in heaven.
This picture doesn't include the two 4th grade boys, two baby girls, and two twin baby boys.
A full house indeed.
A fun day to repeat.
Good times had by all.
Oh ya, and USC won which makes for a very happy Sunday morning in our house!