On Christmas Eve, we celebrated with the Graces. We especially loved having a visit from the Vegas chapter of the family, Jeff and Julie! Lizzie could not have been more happy to have both her boys home and together for the holidays! You could tell how special that was for her.

That's why this family photo goes first in the blog post! Out of order from the sequence of events, yes! But definitely earns prime position at the top of the post.

The afternoon started with some cocktails and conversation...

And a little chess play with Papa!
Then, off to dinner at McKenna's.

Julie and Lori

Jeff and Lizzie

Marzie and Ryan

Charlie and Gigi

Julie and Jeff

A close up of the lovebirds :-)

Papa and Lori

Me and my hubby!

Keeping the kids busy!

Being carried out to the car by Uncle Jeff is always a nice treat.
A little rip and tear session came next in the night...

Julie helping Char-Char

Crazy-faced Ryan showing off her missing tooth.

Marzie getting a little love from Charlie.

Papa loved his gift from Julie.

Lizzie got some new sneaks from Steve... standard!!!

Christmas Eve gifts revealed: jammies, slippers, and hats.

"And a partridge in a pear tree!"
Final event of the night is preparing for Santa's visit...

First you leave reindeer food on the lawn (the reindeer get hungry too you know!)

And then you need to leave cookies and milk by the fireplace for Santa!
Off to bed little ladies! Tomorrow is a big day!