Last weekend, our littlest princess turned three! She is getting so big! We celebrated with a small luau party! It was supposed to involve some pool time but the weather did not cooperate! That didn't phase Charlie... she had a great time being the cutest little hula girl I have ever seen!

Charlie and Ryan posed with Mr. Tiki Guy in their hula outfits.

Mahalo to our guests for helping little Char-Char celebrate!
Here are some snapshots of Charlie's guests!

Lots of Kudrons - Mike, Cameron, Nancy, and Sandy
and a Coleman too - Aunt Marzie

Little Cameron Kudron

Colleen and Ryan

The Cloughertys - Vinny, Erin, and Wyatt

Gigi and Papa

Joe, Steve, Liz, Vinny, Wyatt
Celeste, Claudia, Lori

Claudia, Lori, Erin, Colleen, and little Wyatt

Claudia, Celeste, and Michelle hangin' out.

Wyatt is trying to talk me into having another baby! LOL!!!

Steve asked, "Who is having a hula birthday today?"
Charlie raised her hand with an enthusiastic, "I am!"

We were taking too long to start singing Happy Birthday to Charlie so she started herself. Because of her little birthday party the day before at her school, her version went like this...
"Op -en, shut them, Op- en, shut them. Give a lit-tle clap, clap, clap.
Op -en, shut them, Op- en, shut them. Fold them and put them in your lap, lap, lap.
God is great, God is Good, and we thank him for our food.
Happy Birthday to you. Hap-py birth-day to you...(this is where everyone else noticed that she had already started and chimed in for the rest)!"
At snack time every day, they start with the "Open, Shut them" song and a little prayer before they eat. I think Charlie just assumed that this is how the whole birthday thing is supposed to go!

Once she had a captive audience, Charlie showed everyone how to hula dance!

Here is the cupcake picnic!

Carson is enjoying her virgin "foo-foo" Hawaiian cocktail! All the girls toasted to the little birthday girl!

Nonna poses with Ryan and Charlie.

These outfits weren't planned!! Nonna and Grandpa had gotten these bathing suits for the cousins last Easter. I knew from that very moment that they would be perfect for this party and saved them all summer! I wouldn't even let then wear them very often. But we didn't know Katie would wear hers too! It sure did make a cute picture!

The babysitters - Aubrey above and Tara below. The did great!

The bounce is always a hit! Especially when it is too cold and rainy to get in the pool! This didn't keep our girls from staying in their bathing suits ALL day long!

A kiss for daddy!

The hula in hula party! We had lots of hula hoops on hand for the kids to go along with the theme! It should come as no surprise that the grown ups had more fun with them than the kids! Must have been those Mai Tais talkin'