This past weekend, we traveled to Santa Clara to watch little Katie Houghton graduate from college! It was a grand affair indeed! Jim and Casey treated us all to a fantastic Friday night Italian dinner and then again treated us all to the very elaborate picnic held after the graduation! Now, I apologize up front for not having any actual pictures of Katie getting her degree (it was a rough morning for the blog photographer after trying to keep up with 21 year olds the night before!) But... I do have plenty of other pictures of the graduate and all her guests! Thanks Ginny for all the pics during dinner! Enjoy!... We sure did!

The grad, Melina, and Patrick

Patrick, Marzie, and Lynne Coleman

Me and Bubba

Jeff and Tom Coleman

Me and Steve

Ginny and Jeff

Libby and Bill (a family Katie nannies for) & me and Steve.

The hosts... Jim and Casey
(Sorry! For the life of me, I couldn't get this picture turned around the right way. BUT, I couldn't leave it out with Casey's priceless pose! I'm sorry Casey, I don't think I let you finish chewing first! Haha)

Steve, Ginny, and the Graduate

Me, Jeff, Katie, and Casey

The Group
(Sorry for leaving out practically half the group! Note to self: Don't have the drunk girl (aka me) take the photo!)

The Garage Party where Jeff, Patrick, and I began to act like we were 21 too! Bad idea.

Not only was it a garage party but a keg party too...

and Beer Pong too!

"The Hut"
Katie's hangout in college. Yes, yes... still trying to keep up the youngins!

Katie must have earned a high tolerance along with her degree because she still looks sober at 1:00 a.m. Nice work Katers!

The campus church where we took a group photo with the graduate after the ceremony.

Katie and Lindy at the picnic.

Thanks Casey and Jim for hosting a wonderful weekend!
Congratulations Katie!!