Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Friends, Fun, and French Dip

Mark, Colleen, Aidan, and Bridgette Carroll were gracious enough to host all of us for Memorial Day. They even got a bounce house to keep the kiddies busy so the mommies and daddies could relax a bit. Oh, and while we were relaxing... we were also eating a 15 pound prime rib that Colleen prepared for French Dip sandwiches. They were divine!! Here are a few pics of the day!

After School Treats

Last week, daddy was going to be home late so I took the girls to an extra special treat after I picked them up from Renee's! I say "extra special" because as you can tell, Mommy lets the girls get super sticky and messy! Daddy doesn't approve much of "sticky and messy" so this was soooo fun!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

"Football Practice"

Last week, we took the girls to their first baseball game. We prepared them for the occasion all week... but no matter how many times we called it a "baseball game" or showed them a game on TV, they called it "football practice." Ryan finally got it after about the second inning. Charlie on the other hand, continues to call baseball games... "football practice"!

Ryan and Charlie waiting patiently while daddy gets mommy her first beverage of the night (aka beer). They are soooo excited to get inside.

I know it's hard to tell but Charlie got a new short hair-do! It's super cute, I wish I had it myself!

Both girls got lots of "gadgets" to keep them interested. We predicted they would last 2 innings.

But with cotton candy, hot dogs, Cracker Jacks, and pizza, and their first sodas... they lasted until the 4th inning! And actually... I think it was Steve that was DONE with the game. All of us girls could have stayed much longer!

Steve scored us some great seats to take in the game! Our girls are pretty blessed!