Liz, Steve, and Jeff joined us on Christmas Eve. We had a very festive afternoon, a yummy dinner (that the non-chef in me is very proud of), and some late night "manly" time in the garage doing the types of things that men do in the garage on Christmas Eve (this includes hunting for the right tools but settling for ones that could be found, cussing a little, and essentially "forgetting" to include some unnecessary parts to all pink and purple list of "to dos"). Then the whole gang had a slumber party so that they could all watch the little munchkins wake up in the morning to see their loot.

Gigi took the lead in reading the annual "Twas the Night Before Christmas" story.

Christmas morning was chaotic but wonderful. Marzie drove down to join us with fresh, hot baked danishes in hand. Yum-my! Unfortunately, I was too busy stuffing my face didn't get many pictures of the festivities.

Here, daddy is opening his stocking. Mommy tried to tell Santa exactly the kinds of things he would want like spa appointments, and Creative Cakery mini cakes, and a much needed umbrella. Steve returned the favor by telling Santa that what mommy really wanted was an apple, an orange, and a diet Squirt. Hmmmm??? Go figure.

Ryan taking her new scooter for a spin.

Gigi taking Charlie for a spin on her new scooter.
P.S. I told Charlie to smile for this picture and this is what I got! We are really in for it with this child. Whoo, she's a doozy!

I guess I was just having too much fun to take pictures. I'm sad that I didn't get more. We had a really fun time.