So where is our new house, you ask... less than a mile from our current house. After looking for months and months in neighboring cities and communities, Steve and I decided that we like being right where we are at (minus looking at the freeway wall of course) and then this house came on the market and we jumped on it.
Although there are lots of things that we'd like to change or update both inside and out over the next couple of years, we feel up for the challenge and are very anxious to get started. As a matter of fact, our main contractor is there as I write bringing in all his materials to get started tomorrow (Sunday!!!)
Here are a few more pictures of our new home. We can't wait to have everyone over sometime soon...
This is a picture of the kitchen (and the inspectors since this was the day I took most of these photos). Tons of cabinet space but I will miss the bar/countertop where everyone used to hang out in our house. Oh well, we will find a way to adjust I guess:)