Ryan and I had a special day together at Disneyland today. If you haven't been to Disneyland in awhile, there seems to be a million little girls dressed up as their favorite princesses running around. We go to Disneyland alot, and up to this point, I haven't given into what seemed to be an itchy, uncomfortable trend. But yes, as you may have guessed, today I gave in. I let Ryan wear her Alice in Wonderland costume to Disneyland. And now, simply stated... I get it. I get why so many mommies deal with falling off tiaras, dragging, dirty princess gowns, tattered magic wands. I get it because every other princess-clad mommy and daddy (and staffers of course) actually called her Alice today. They are all in on it. It's like this little unknown, underground "Disneyland Princess Club". They would wave and say things like, "Alice, you look so beautiful today" or "Where is the White Rabbit, Alice?" and even one, "Can I have your autograph Alice?" And Ryan believed every bit of it! She grinned ear to ear every time. She would wave and say hello back to her "fans". She would get so proud. So on top of the world. EVERY time it happened, every time, it was the best moment of the day. And maybe some of the best mommy moments to date. Here are some pictures of our day...
Ryan and Mommy in line for the "Alice in Wonderland" ride. Needless to say, her "celebrity-ness" really escalated during this ride.

This is at the princess storytelling time. Ryan's new friend, Citra, offered to let her share her carpet. That was really nice of her. (P.S. Notice Citra's outfit...understated for sure, but definitely sporting some princess attire)

And when that storytelling got cancelled at the last minute, mommy improvised with a cookie decorating activity to ease the sadness. I think it worked:)
Singing and dancing with the princesses. (I noticed that Ryan did alot of shuffle-kicks and toe-points. Dance class is really paying off. Heehee)

We met Aladdin today. As you can tell Ryan is still a little nervous around men. (This makes Steve a very proud papa indeed!)
Being one of the most famous girls in Disneyland can definitely make you tired.
Nigh-Nigh Alice!