Remember the days when Ryan was so very terrified of swimming lessons? Well, those days are over. We have definitely turned a corner, that's for sure. She loves to go now. She wants to swim just like Ariel (the Little Mermaid). She takes her own goggles to class (and plays with them in the bath every night too). Having no fear has led her to get better with her skills too. She had a substitute today, Natalie, but that didn't pose a problem (as it would have in the past). Here are some pictures of the things she is working on.
These are "kickers." This is where she practices kicking back and forth across the pool.
Here she is standing on an island in the middle of the pool. She jumps off, rolls over to float, kicks a little on her back, and then flips back over to swim to next island.
And I know you can't see Ryan, but that is her under the water swimming to the next island. Don't get too excited though, by the time she goes under water again to "swim" to the next island, it is only like 2 feet away. But nevertheless, we are very proud of her. She is making tremendous progress since we started back at swimming lessons this year.